The Armor of God is the
important component of our arsenal against Satan and his demons. Paul writes
about its importance in Ephesians 6:10-18. I feel that it is important for us
all to know and understand how to use the armor and apply it to our daily Christian
lives. By using it every day, we find that even Satan’s subtle attacks against
us are thwarted.
begins describing the armor with the Belt of Truth. We figuratively strap this
around our waist. However, the application is very different in reality. It is
about being honest, or always telling the truth, and never letting anyone else
sway you from anything you believe to be truth without being able to show you
proof that it is not in fact truth. My father and other Jehovah’s Witnesses are
always trying to brainwash me, as they already have my father, with their lies.
My father and I frequently battle wits when it comes to Bible teachings, the
only thing is, he never listens to me. I listen to him enough to know he is way
off base and frequently try to set him straight, but like all true Jehovah’s
Witnesses, there is nothing one can say to sway them, because they do not
actually listen to you. I have experienced this with more than my father to
know the truth behind those words.
fights against us with lies, and it is up to us to remain truthful at all times
no matter what the cost. This means refraining from even a harmless white lie.
God sees a lie as a lie. It also means telling the truth even if it gets you in
trouble. Being honest now and being punished for it now is better than getting
caught in the lie later, and the punishment being more severe. I know sometimes
it is hard to tell the truth all the time. I sometimes, instead of saying
something, especially around Witnesses, I just keep my ideas and opinions to
myself. I am not lying to not offend them, and I am staying truthful to myself
at the same time.
It is always important
to share your honest opinions and beliefs with someone, especially a person who
isn’t a Christian. But, you have to know when to pick your battles, and with a
Witness, that can be hard to decipher. I find it best to not even go there with
them, because as I said earlier, they won’t really be listening to you anyway.
The only ones who would be listening to you, would be the ones who are new to
the cult, they don’t know how to not listen to you; at least not yet.
The Breastplate of
Righteousness is second on Paul’s list. This protects our heart against
attacks. It is the easiest place for Satan or his demons to do so. Our heart is
the center of everything we feel. Our heart guides us in our decision making.
We must remain righteous, or on the side of God, following him as best we can
if we wish to gain life in heaven and then in paradise after Christ’s return.
We cannot let Satan gain access and eventually control of our heart. We must
protect it with the breastplate of righteousness. We must make sure we always
have God’s approval of what we feel. It we don’t maybe our armor is not on and
Satan got to our heart.
The Boots of the Gospel
is the third thing that Paul explains to us. This is we witness to those not in
on the truth about Jesus and God. Satan does not want us to do this. People
will listen to us and then that means less people condemned to a fate with Satan.
The footgear is our way of motivating ourselves to witness and give our
My testimony is filled
with good things and bad things. Some people their story is mostly bad, and
others’ is mostly good. It doesn’t mean that anyone’s testimony is not important.
My testimony starts with growing up in a church. For the longest time I didn’t
even really know what I was learning. It never registered. I stopped going to
church when my grandparents did after my grandfather got sick with cancer. I
started up a little bit in high school, but nothing ever really stuck with me.
It wasn’t that I didn’t want to believe in Jesus or God. It was more that I
just wasn’t in a setting that helped me grow spiritually. I had always believed
that I was saved; I had always believed that Jesus was Lord and Savior of me. I
had never taken the step towards baptism though. My grandmother had from the
time I was little, tried to get me to take that step. I had never been ready
When I started college,
I met my best friend. And, despite our distance from each other and not being
able to see each other like we used to, I still think of her as that. She got
me going back to church. I found out that was I was missing was a real church
family. None of the churches I had been to before really showed being a family.
I found that with her help. I got active in Bible studies and worked hard on
getting to know my Bible, God, and Jesus all the better. I can now quote
Scripture, find the majority of the books in the Bible with ease, and can
pretty much answer almost any question anyone can ask me. If I can’t answer the
question, I will either find it or find someone who does know it. I have a
minister I can turn to in a time of spiritual need, though I am at the present
moment without a church family and Christian fellowship.
After being saved for
sure and getting baptized, my life took a turn in a different direction. I
never turned my back on God or Jesus, but I couldn’t stop committing sexual
sin. This went on for three years. It escalated from just being with one guy,
to the course of several in that three year period. Also, I started allowing
others to use my body for sexual pleasures in exchange for money. I was not in
the best place. I had let Satan get to my heart, and had let him take me from
God without even realizing it. He had me in his grasp, doing what evil things
he wanted for three whole years. It took me three years to get free. It took me
getting too ill to get through my last year of college and work to get free. I
severed all connections with what had led me to being that way, and I worked on
getting back on track. I tried a church in my hometown, but like before, it was
lacking a sense of family and fellowship. No one was truly welcoming, and most
of the people were elderly, what ones weren’t, were later in life by at twenty
years at least in comparison to me. There were not any children and there were
not any young adults.
My best friend had a
couple of years ago given me a book to read. It was entitled Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a
Woman’s soul. It was written by John and Stasi Eldredge, and it made a huge
difference in me the minute I really started reading it, unlike when studying
it with Betsy. I like to continue to study it and I write a journal entry based
on what is said in each section of each chapter. It helps see my progress or
lack thereof from the first time I read it. I recommend it for all Christian
women, or any woman wanting to become a Christian, and for the men, John wrote Wild at Heart, I recommend that for you.
I have not read it, but having read Captivating,
and seeing what it has done, and continues to do for me, I think that Wild at Heart can do wonders for a man.
Perhaps I should get it for my father, but I doubt he will read it since it wasn’t
written by the Witnesses. I wish there was a way to talk to him about all this
stuff. I mean I have changed a lot because of this book; it really helped me
understand a lot about being a Christian woman, well a woman in general
actually. It just takes being a Christian woman to fully understand the
It doesn’t matter what
our testimony is like, if we feel like weak, scared, or lacking to witness,
Satan and his demons are pulling us away from God. Yes, there will always be
people who do not wish to know the truth, but this doesn’t stop Jehovah’s
Witnesses from trying to spread their lies, and it shouldn’t stop us from
telling the truth either. In fact, it should encourage us. Just because people
do not want to hear about Jesus Christ and his Lordship, does not mean that
they do not need to hear it.
Paul’s next piece of
Armor is the Shield of Faith. Satan wants us to turn our back on God and turn
towards him. Our faith is what keeps us in God’s army. Without faith, we do not
have much. Satan makes it seem like our efforts to obey God are futile, but
they are not. We must remember the promises he has made. He always comes
through with a promise. The Bible teaches us that. God has made several
promises, and he has always come through. Satan cannot give us what God can. Satan
leads to torment and death. God leads to life after our fleshly death. If our
faith and trust in God are true, we shall live again. If it is not, we will
never live again. That is what faith and trust in Satan promises.
The Helmet of Salvation
comes next on the Armor. It helps protect our minds from becoming filled with
the doubt Satan wants us to feel towards God’s promise of salvation. Remember,
Satan used to be an angel in heaven with God. He knows what God promises is
real. He fell from heaven because he wanted to prove that God was not worthy of
ruling. That is what Satan still tries to do, but he is always failing, and
soon God’s time limit he has allowed Satan to have will end. Satan already
knows that God has won this war; and he is just biding his time claiming his
victory. God won the war with Jesus Christ. All we have to do is believe in
Christ as our Savior and know that means we have salvation. Of course, just
because we have it, doesn’t mean we can let Satan rule us. Eventually, Satan
will have managed to get us away from God. That means we could commit the
unforgiveable sin: To denounce the Holy Spirit after having known it. This
means saying that we do not love or care about God anymore.
The Final piece of Armor
is the Sword of the Spirit. This is the Word of God, which we call our Bible.
There are other Holy Scriptures not contained in the Bible, but those that you
can find are left up to you. In fact, the Bible most of us use doesn’t have all
in it that some others do. The Catholic Bible has some books in it that are not
found in most. The Ethiopian Christian Bible is the same way. It has books in
it that are not found in either the Catholic or Protestant Bibles.
This is our only weapon
of offense. The rest of the Armor is designed to protect and this is made to
attack. A good way to keep an attack from Satan or a demon at bay is to recite
Scriptures. We should also focus on Scriptures that can benefit us when we have
a weakness from our old sinful nature that Satan and his demons can use against
us. I, for example, get very weak with very strong sexual desires. I am not
sure why my flesh craves this kind of attention, but it does, and I have often
been tempted to find a way to engage in the act with someone. I constantly have
to remind myself that sexual immorality is not approved of by God. Also, I
remind myself that that is the old me trying to come back out, as Casting
Crowns points out in a song, it is My Own
Worst Enemy. There will probably be a lot of Casting Crowns references to
things, they are my favorite band.
Paul knew that we would
need this Armor to get through our daily Christian lives. He knew that Satan’s
attacks against us would be relentless. He provided the Armor so that we could
be prepared to defend ourselves against him and his demons.
There is another thing
I am going to add to our arsenal list. This isn’t a piece of armor, but it is
equally important; especially if we wish for our Armor to work properly. It is
prayer. Prayer helps get us through the really hard times. If we try to take on
the battle alone, we will surely fail, I have experienced this for myself. It
does not mean we are weak or anything. It just means that some things cannot be
dealt with on our own. We need God to give us a boost. Praying to God gives us
that boost. Prayer makes sure that we remember that we need God. Do not ever
think that you do not need him, because we all do.
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