Many Jehovah Witnesses believe that they are the only
Christians. This just is not true. I am writing about them because my parents
have recently started attending their meetings, and it upsets me more than I
can even express. They refuse to think anything of it, because if they did,
they would be faced with something they do not want to face. This is literally
tearing me and my parents apart. I stand alone. I personally cannot talk to
them about any of this, and I tried to compromise, but my dad refuses to meet
me halfway, and that is the only way no one has a true advantage. I merely
would get the satisfaction of exposing them to the truth while simultaneously
making them happy that I appear to be making an effort of trying to be
supportive. My dad cannot support me in the same manner he wishes me to support
him, and this heats things up exponentially. I am going to explain what makes
the Jehovah Witnesses a cult, and how they differ from true Christians.
Hopefully this will help anyone who is the same boat I am in with family
members. Them being my parents makes it even the more harder for me to say
anything to them in a manner that would normally accomplish something, but not
with my parents. This is another reason why I can't talk to them. There is no
point in wasting my breath and energy to. I am hoping other people who are
suffering through this like me do not have relatives like my parents. Otherwise
it would make this all so pointless.
Okay, so let's begin by stating first where Jesus fits into the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ views. Jesus, is the son of God, however, he is not God. He is the human incarnation of the archangel Michael. Now, there is no scriptural evidence for this, and there never will be, at least not in a normal Bible. However, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have their own version of the Bible written by their own people who have no knowledge of the languages used to write the books of the Bible. They also believe that the New Testament was written in Aramaic instead of Greek. It seems weird that they would be written in either, since the Roman Empire spoke Latin, but maybe they used Greek so the Roman Empire and Jews wouldn't know what was being written. I do not know. However, all Biblical scholars, and anyone who has seen the texts knows that they were written in Greek, so that totally makes that claim of theirs go poof. Reading the Gospels makes their claim of Jesus's angel background go poof. It doesn't matter which one you read, they all claim Jesus is divine and human. He is divine because he is God, and he is human, because he was born as such to Mary and Joseph. The Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in the all mighty saving power of Jesus. They believe that good works alone get one Grace and that Grace, or Salvation can be lost through bad deeds. The Bible teaches us that once we accept Jesus and are saved through him, we cannot lose our salvation. Once we earn it, we cannot lose it. They also believe that only Jehovah’s Witnesses can be saved. God is not exclusive, and neither is Jesus. John chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 are a good example "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For he did not come into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." This comes from the New International Version, so your Bible may word it differently; it all is the same no matter what version/translation you read. Also, there is the idea that Christians are pagans because of our symbol, the cross. They believe that Jesus was crucified on a torture stake, however, any history book shall be able to tell you that the Romans used crosses for crucifixions. Well I can't even say that they say he was crucified. For all I know he was actually tortured. Nothing says exactly how this torture stake thing works in their heads.
Let's go to the next point and talk about God. We call God, Father, Lord, Alpha, Omega, etc. They call him by an actual name, Jehovah. It's common knowledge that this is a translation of His name, but I do not see how we get it out of the Hebrew Yahweh. I cannot claim to be a know it all when it comes to stuff, because I am not. I am just a young Christian woman trying to do what God wants me to do, and my parents are actually stopping me. Because of where they go I cannot go to church, which is what I must do to prepare myself properly for my Calling. I unfortunately rely on my parents for everything, it's a situation I put myself in, but it's also one they make sure to keep me in. Or at least it feels that way. They don't help me get me out of it. Anyway the Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that God ignores all prayers where he is not addressed by name. However, if you look at the prayer Jesus gives us to show us how to pray, it starts with Our Father in Heaven. God, is our father, and Lord, and whatever else we call him. We are unworthy to call him by his name, even after being saved, because we are sinners. Even after being saved, we still sin. We can try as hard as we want, but it's our nature. It is hard to fight our nature, it is ingrained into our minds and bodies.
Time to talk about their practices. They will ostracize someone for committing sin that they know about. If you smoke, have sex and aren't married, drink, gamble, accept blood transfusions, etc. The list goes on. No true Christian will do that to you. They may not be happy about what you do, but they will never stop talking to you or being your friend or anything. A Jehovah’s Witness will get ostracized for speaking to a former Jehovah’s Witness. You cannot be friends or socialize with them at all. I am surprised they don't ostracize you for being around people who have never been one of them and never will. It would be sweet, cuz then no one in my family who goes could go. Of course no one in my family gets why I am this way either. But then, I am the only one who listens to the truth and holds it for what it is. I have a cousin who believes what I believe and when I get to go to church it is with her, but she isn't like me when it comes to her mom going. She doesn't like that her mom goes, and it makes her sad, but she doesn't get like I do which is throw things, storm off, and cry my eyes out the entire time they are gone. I am getting a little better, but my parents still think it is childish, not when their souls are going to hell, and I am trying to stop it, it's not.
Ok, let's move on to heaven now. It seems appropriate. They do not believe that everyone who is saved gets to go to heaven. Jehovah Witnesses only get to go to heaven, and only 144,000, most of whom are already there. They believe that the rest of them, being the only saved ones get to live in the earthly paradise during Christ's 1,000 year reign after his 2nd Coming. This belief comes from Revelation with the mention of the 144,000 in heaven. However, these are the ones in heaven who are the purest of the saved. They are the ones who at the appointed time during the Tribulation get to sing a special song that only the purest of True believers can sing. These believers somehow managed to not commit sin after being saved. This totally leaves me out. I have done many a thing I am not proud of since I became saved, but this was from a false sense that I could do whatever I wanted because I couldn't lose my Grace no matter what. Just because I can't lose it doesn't mean I can just do whatever I want. I have turned around a lot since the realization hit me. I fear that a lot of Christians believe this. And because of that, continue to do as much sin as ever before. I have repented immensely, and hope anyone reading this who lives their Christian life this way realizes how heathen it really is, and so bad for our witness and testimony. It is never too late to turn around and prove how much of a true Christian you are. I use true Christian because there are a lot of people claiming to be Christian who aren't living their lives that way. I was one of these people as I stated before. I am working on becoming a true Christian, and showing how much I love God and Jesus and can't wait to join them in heaven, which is promised to us in the Bible. Another reason why this 144,000 talk is a bunch of crap talk. I honestly blame myself for this whole situation with my parents. I wasn't the Christian I was supposed to be until it was too late. I fear that my parents might be lost to me and God forever. I just refuse to accept it. I am going to try to find some way to reach them no matter what it takes.
Something else to discuss is their lack of belief in the Trinity. They do not believe that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are even parts of God, but they are. Jesus, is his Son, Jesus shares God qualities, The Holy Spirit is God's Spirit, it is what God uses to help us and guide us through our spiritual walk with Him.I don't know how a preacher would do it, but for a common sitting in the pews Christian such as myself, this works for me. The Holy Spirit to the Jehovah Witnesses is an invisible force used by God. I do not know well I don't remember how they explain this, but a Christian knows that the Holy Spirit is the living thing that works in our hearts to do God's bidding and live a life as much like Jesus' as possible. They do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a living thing. The Bible says that he is, so they just keep contradicting the Word of God over and over again with everything they believe and teach. Most Christian denominations call the Jehovah’s Witnesses a non-Christian cult, and I am inclined to agree with them. How they treat their members when they fall, and how exclusive their beliefs are and how against everything the Bible says their teachings are prove this over and over. The fact that there are only two people in my entire family who sees this makes me sad. It is the saddest thing in the world to me right now. The fact that my family is lost while I am found hurts me deeper than any boyfriend has ever broken my heart, and I've only had one, but there have been other boys in the picture who have broken my heart plenty. Which is why there has only been one boyfriend, he was the only one who didn't run away from me when I showed interest in him. Eventually, he did manage to break my heart, but we at least still have some kind of relationship as friends. I don't even talk to the guys who never gave me a chance. However, family makes the cuts in your heart deeper than any former love interest or lover. It feels like it is going to kill you the more they cut you. I love my parents and am willing to work through this, but they aren't willing to meet me halfway, and that is the only way I can do this. They do not even offer a solution so I do not see how they can see a way to get through this. There are two solutions that keep our family intact either they stop going or I go with them one day a week and they go with me one day a week. And neither is apparently an option for them.
Okay, so let's begin by stating first where Jesus fits into the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ views. Jesus, is the son of God, however, he is not God. He is the human incarnation of the archangel Michael. Now, there is no scriptural evidence for this, and there never will be, at least not in a normal Bible. However, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have their own version of the Bible written by their own people who have no knowledge of the languages used to write the books of the Bible. They also believe that the New Testament was written in Aramaic instead of Greek. It seems weird that they would be written in either, since the Roman Empire spoke Latin, but maybe they used Greek so the Roman Empire and Jews wouldn't know what was being written. I do not know. However, all Biblical scholars, and anyone who has seen the texts knows that they were written in Greek, so that totally makes that claim of theirs go poof. Reading the Gospels makes their claim of Jesus's angel background go poof. It doesn't matter which one you read, they all claim Jesus is divine and human. He is divine because he is God, and he is human, because he was born as such to Mary and Joseph. The Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in the all mighty saving power of Jesus. They believe that good works alone get one Grace and that Grace, or Salvation can be lost through bad deeds. The Bible teaches us that once we accept Jesus and are saved through him, we cannot lose our salvation. Once we earn it, we cannot lose it. They also believe that only Jehovah’s Witnesses can be saved. God is not exclusive, and neither is Jesus. John chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 are a good example "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For he did not come into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." This comes from the New International Version, so your Bible may word it differently; it all is the same no matter what version/translation you read. Also, there is the idea that Christians are pagans because of our symbol, the cross. They believe that Jesus was crucified on a torture stake, however, any history book shall be able to tell you that the Romans used crosses for crucifixions. Well I can't even say that they say he was crucified. For all I know he was actually tortured. Nothing says exactly how this torture stake thing works in their heads.
Let's go to the next point and talk about God. We call God, Father, Lord, Alpha, Omega, etc. They call him by an actual name, Jehovah. It's common knowledge that this is a translation of His name, but I do not see how we get it out of the Hebrew Yahweh. I cannot claim to be a know it all when it comes to stuff, because I am not. I am just a young Christian woman trying to do what God wants me to do, and my parents are actually stopping me. Because of where they go I cannot go to church, which is what I must do to prepare myself properly for my Calling. I unfortunately rely on my parents for everything, it's a situation I put myself in, but it's also one they make sure to keep me in. Or at least it feels that way. They don't help me get me out of it. Anyway the Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that God ignores all prayers where he is not addressed by name. However, if you look at the prayer Jesus gives us to show us how to pray, it starts with Our Father in Heaven. God, is our father, and Lord, and whatever else we call him. We are unworthy to call him by his name, even after being saved, because we are sinners. Even after being saved, we still sin. We can try as hard as we want, but it's our nature. It is hard to fight our nature, it is ingrained into our minds and bodies.
Time to talk about their practices. They will ostracize someone for committing sin that they know about. If you smoke, have sex and aren't married, drink, gamble, accept blood transfusions, etc. The list goes on. No true Christian will do that to you. They may not be happy about what you do, but they will never stop talking to you or being your friend or anything. A Jehovah’s Witness will get ostracized for speaking to a former Jehovah’s Witness. You cannot be friends or socialize with them at all. I am surprised they don't ostracize you for being around people who have never been one of them and never will. It would be sweet, cuz then no one in my family who goes could go. Of course no one in my family gets why I am this way either. But then, I am the only one who listens to the truth and holds it for what it is. I have a cousin who believes what I believe and when I get to go to church it is with her, but she isn't like me when it comes to her mom going. She doesn't like that her mom goes, and it makes her sad, but she doesn't get like I do which is throw things, storm off, and cry my eyes out the entire time they are gone. I am getting a little better, but my parents still think it is childish, not when their souls are going to hell, and I am trying to stop it, it's not.
Ok, let's move on to heaven now. It seems appropriate. They do not believe that everyone who is saved gets to go to heaven. Jehovah Witnesses only get to go to heaven, and only 144,000, most of whom are already there. They believe that the rest of them, being the only saved ones get to live in the earthly paradise during Christ's 1,000 year reign after his 2nd Coming. This belief comes from Revelation with the mention of the 144,000 in heaven. However, these are the ones in heaven who are the purest of the saved. They are the ones who at the appointed time during the Tribulation get to sing a special song that only the purest of True believers can sing. These believers somehow managed to not commit sin after being saved. This totally leaves me out. I have done many a thing I am not proud of since I became saved, but this was from a false sense that I could do whatever I wanted because I couldn't lose my Grace no matter what. Just because I can't lose it doesn't mean I can just do whatever I want. I have turned around a lot since the realization hit me. I fear that a lot of Christians believe this. And because of that, continue to do as much sin as ever before. I have repented immensely, and hope anyone reading this who lives their Christian life this way realizes how heathen it really is, and so bad for our witness and testimony. It is never too late to turn around and prove how much of a true Christian you are. I use true Christian because there are a lot of people claiming to be Christian who aren't living their lives that way. I was one of these people as I stated before. I am working on becoming a true Christian, and showing how much I love God and Jesus and can't wait to join them in heaven, which is promised to us in the Bible. Another reason why this 144,000 talk is a bunch of crap talk. I honestly blame myself for this whole situation with my parents. I wasn't the Christian I was supposed to be until it was too late. I fear that my parents might be lost to me and God forever. I just refuse to accept it. I am going to try to find some way to reach them no matter what it takes.
Something else to discuss is their lack of belief in the Trinity. They do not believe that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are even parts of God, but they are. Jesus, is his Son, Jesus shares God qualities, The Holy Spirit is God's Spirit, it is what God uses to help us and guide us through our spiritual walk with Him.I don't know how a preacher would do it, but for a common sitting in the pews Christian such as myself, this works for me. The Holy Spirit to the Jehovah Witnesses is an invisible force used by God. I do not know well I don't remember how they explain this, but a Christian knows that the Holy Spirit is the living thing that works in our hearts to do God's bidding and live a life as much like Jesus' as possible. They do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a living thing. The Bible says that he is, so they just keep contradicting the Word of God over and over again with everything they believe and teach. Most Christian denominations call the Jehovah’s Witnesses a non-Christian cult, and I am inclined to agree with them. How they treat their members when they fall, and how exclusive their beliefs are and how against everything the Bible says their teachings are prove this over and over. The fact that there are only two people in my entire family who sees this makes me sad. It is the saddest thing in the world to me right now. The fact that my family is lost while I am found hurts me deeper than any boyfriend has ever broken my heart, and I've only had one, but there have been other boys in the picture who have broken my heart plenty. Which is why there has only been one boyfriend, he was the only one who didn't run away from me when I showed interest in him. Eventually, he did manage to break my heart, but we at least still have some kind of relationship as friends. I don't even talk to the guys who never gave me a chance. However, family makes the cuts in your heart deeper than any former love interest or lover. It feels like it is going to kill you the more they cut you. I love my parents and am willing to work through this, but they aren't willing to meet me halfway, and that is the only way I can do this. They do not even offer a solution so I do not see how they can see a way to get through this. There are two solutions that keep our family intact either they stop going or I go with them one day a week and they go with me one day a week. And neither is apparently an option for them.
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