Friday, February 17, 2012

I don't know what to say (something said on another blog as all of these posts have been, was asked to remove them from it, and decided to make a blog which hopefully no one I know will read, and keep all my other things on both blogs)

It has come to my attention, that some of the Witnesses at my parents' congregation have read some things on here about the religion and grew a little upset. I feel I need to explain myself for my words and feelings. My feelings do not fuel what I say on here. I say what needs to be said. Anything that seems to be bashing the Witnesses is not bashing, it is just observances made from the time spent with them. I ask questions and have received many answers to questions that upset and bother me. They do not agree with being a Christian. I know that I am the farthest from being able to even fit into this role that God has given me, but he chose me for a reason, and I do not question it. I hold nothing against anyone who is a Witness. As far as people go some of them are the nicest people I have ever met. And there are some who give me that feeling that says stay away. They are people and some people of my own faith make me feel the same way. Some are the nicest people I have ever met and some also give me that feeling that says stay away. A close person of my father's who is a Witness gives me this feeling especially. I cannot like him no matter what. But, I am sure that I have friends that my parents can't stand, so I keep feelings on this to myself. I am always polite, though shy and quiet around him. Everything that I have said about the Witnesses is truth. It has nothing to do with feelings, only what I have seen. I never meant to hurt anyone's feelings, and I never said anything to make anyone feel anything bad. I am sorry for making anyone feel bad for anything I said, but I cannot take anything back that I did say. It was the truth. I know it seems like I have a vendetta or something, and I guess in a way I do, after all this religion has robbed me of my family, and I can never enjoy the closeness with them that I once did. I can never feel the trust and acceptance. My own family views me differently because of my thoughts and feelings of things. I choose to remain in my faith, and with my father especially, this causes much strain. I never call God by name, my father doesn't understand my choice to not use his name. I do not say grace, well I was never raised to say grace before eating. And, the fact that at the table, mom and dad do it individually, does not encourage much out of me to begin. Every Christian home I have ever been in, grace was said aloud by a member and everyone listened. I am not as Christian as I would like to be, but I try to be the Christian God wants me to be. I should be mindful of the way I choose to word and compare things. I do not sit down and write down these things beforehand unless I am giving a "sermon." Those I spend a lot of time working on wording and writing out before typing them on here. I feel they are the essence of what I am supposed to do as a Christian, and at the moment, they are my only witnessing tool. I do not remember anything of what I have said over the past few months, but I was told that I compared the Witnesses to Satanic cults. If I did, I am sure I explained that very well. I do see the Witnesses as a cult, the rules and things that are laid out show that. I have noticed that they took certain Scriptures in the Bible way too literally. This isn't about the blood, but about their views on Christ's reign and the resurrection, and the destruction of Satan and those who choose to remain lost, separate from God for eternity. To support their views, they use a verse about time in relation to God like a thousand years is like a day to God. That is not literal. That verse says that time to God is different than time to us. Time to God does not move as fast as it does for us. Time for us moves by fast, but time for God is very slow. He is eternal, and we are short-lived. I stand behind what I said. There is nothing that I have said that I regret saying. I said everything that needed to be said, and always will. I take my faith seriously. And, no the Witnesses do not say anything bad or negative on their websites about other religions, but they do a fantastic job of it. No, the Bible does not make mention of the Trinity, there may not be any verses showing the Holy Spirit being God, but there are plenty of verses showing Jesus as God. I have come across more than I can keep track of, both in the New Testament, and the Old Testament. Yet, they choose to ignore this. I agree that television Evangelists, do lead people astray, but not all of them do. And, I assure you that most of them do not even know that they are doing it, so to call them all apostates and such is wrong. The Watchtower Study on this topic really opened my eyes to their views and ideas on Christianity, more so than the literature. I do not belong with the Witnesses, and wish my family didn't either, but they believe what they teach, and no amount of "preaching" will change their minds. However, I do not wish to lose the friendships I have made with some of the Witnesses. I just do not know how to keep them, and I fear that they can never look at me the same as they did before reading this blog. I try to focus more on the mission God has given me, for that is what matters, but I do not feel I can properly do that without discussing other matters in religion as well. I am sorry that the Witnesses are taking all the hits, but I haven't observed other religions to talk about them. I know things I could say about the Mormons, but I have not been around any to even say them. I have not singled anyone out to "bash" on here, I just have to present all the facts that I can about things. This includes other religions. How can anyone choose what is right for them, if they do not see what other religions are like? Let's face it, there are a lot of people who cannot make up their minds about what to believe that they will follow through with the first religion presented to them. They will eventually fall away from it and go through with the next one. It is a constant pattern with them. I am only interested in the people who truly wish to serve God and worship him and praise him and live a life according to how he wishes us to. I still struggle with that, but as a human, I always will. It is my faith and determination to never fully give in to those times I fall that show where I truly lie.

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